Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gramma Announces She is Running Us For Precedent!

Last week our President, Barack Obama, announced that he is beginning his campaign for re-election.  His campaign chest is purported to become $1,000,000,000 - one billion dollars!  The Republicans also have several possible candidates, some of whom are very wealthy. We don’t need money to be the determinant of who runs for office, who runs our government or who runs our lives. We also don’t need vitriolic attacks based on making an opponent look bad when power is the real goal and not the welfare of the people. That’s why I’ve decided that now is the time to announce the launching of a new kind of campaign called - Us for Precedent. 

campaign is a model for a different quality of political conversations and actions that acknowledge the connectedness and equality of all human beings without regard to age, sex, ethnicity, religion, education, class or sexual persuasion.We must immediately act as our own representatives to prove to ourselves and the world that as Americans we can agree to realize the ideal of a government that truly cares about the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of ALL its citizens.  Every major religion in the world says the same thing in different words - that we must do unto others, as we would have others do unto us.  Imagine 2012 State and Federal budgets based on this universal principle!

If you and I can agree to model this principle in our daily lives, then we can set a precedent for a new kind of self-governing society that is truly democratic.  It is Gramma's hope that politicians of all parties will re-examine their motives for wanting to govern and commit to the Platform of the Us for Precedent campaign.

To join the Us for Precedent campaign add your email to my mailing list in the column to the right of this posting or follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

Let Us be the change to realize the American dream.

1 comment:

Dudley Evenson said...

This is a truly moment to remember, the day Gramma is officially announcing US for Precedent to the world! I hope everyone will rally around her campaign calling for us to be precedents for a united state of agreement where we treat each other with love.